Browse Items (17 total)

  • Date is exactly "1940"

Date: 1940
A photograph of Ameen Rihani in coat and tie, taken in Beirut 1940. It is noted that this was his last photograph before his death.


Date: 1940
A photograph of Margaret Oussani with Dorothy and Neville Fuleihan standing beside a car in front of a path and trees.


Date: 1940
A photograph of Dorothy Fuleihan posing in front of a fountain at the New York World's Fair in 1940.

Date: 1940
A photograph of Isabel Oussani Fuleihan with Dorothy and Neville Fuleihan, labeled as "Mom, Me, and Nev."

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Date: 1940
A photograph of a woman, most likely Isabel Oussani, standing outside. Labeled as "Mom," taken at Shippan Point in Stamford, Connecticut.

Date: 1940
A photograph of Nasri Fuleihan. Labeled as "Dad," taken in Yonkers, New York.

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Date: 1940
Picture of Dorothy Fuleihan standing in front of a fountain. Doodles drawn over the picture. Taken at the New York World's Fair of 1940. Another unaltered photograph is in the collection.

Date: 1940
Nellie Mettrey Kahdy and Amelia Mettrey Wehbie Salem walking down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh, North Carolina. They are both dressed in formal dresses and holding boxes.

Date: 1940
Photo of Nell Kahdy, her old boyfriend Dr. Michael Bolus, Amelia Mettrey Salem, Salve Bolus, and a male friend as noted from the back of the photo. The five of them are dressed in casual summer clothing and standing next to a car. Caption on the backā€¦


Date: 1940
Photograph of Sam Norman in Poughkeepsie at College Hill.

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Date: 1940
Portrait of Genevieve Norman taken in Poughkeepsie when she was 15 years old.

Date: 1940
A portrait of 17-year-old Agnes Zaytoun smiling in a white jacket and dark-colored bow in her hair. On the front of the photograph is written, "To Mother and Dad," dated 1940.

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Date: 1940
A census document containing information about George Richard (G.R.) Saleeby, his wife, Najaa, and the three of their eight children who were living at home in 1940: Sam, Joe, Samera, and Albert. Also living with them was "Joe," listed as a brother.

Date: 1940
A page from the 1940 United States census depicting John and Helen Saleeby. Also listed are seven of their eight children: Fred, George, Wade, Lawrence, Michael, Ralph, and Claudette.


Date: 1940
"Sonata No. 1 For the Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, marked as possession of J. E. Balamos. Copyright 1940 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Beauties"

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Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Dames"

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