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  • Date is exactly "1933"

Date: 1933
Mikail Mitri-Wehbie stands in front of the crates of beer as he pours himself a glass of beer. His son, Chris Wehbie stands behind the crates and smiles. The back of the photo states, "First load of legal beer after prohibition. Mikail Mitri-Wehbie…

Date: 1933
A photograph of Isabel Oussani standing outside of a building with Neville and Dorothy Fuleihan.

Tags: ;

Date: 1933
A photograph from the Second Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1933.

Date: 1933
A black-and-white photograph from a L'Entasar Club gathering, featuring 36 men and women in 1968. On the back, Jalal Antone and Bob Mousa are written in penicl and blue ink, and "Return Photo to Bill Anawaty" is stamped in black. A black-and-white…'EntasarClubPhotos.pdf

Date: 1933
يقدم امين ريحاني في هذا الكتاب عددا من الوصايا للشعراء يمشون في مناكبها ويجعلونها قواعدا يتبعونها لكي يرتقوا باشعارهم. فقد انتقد الريحاني في كتابه اسلوبي البكاء والنحيب المتبعين في الشعر العربي، والذي اسماه "الادب الباكي" و"ادب الضعف"، وربط بين هذا… PDF.pdf
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