Browse Items (21 total)

  • Date is exactly "1921"

Date: 1921
Letter sent from the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. This letter was sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Patriarchate in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1921
Letter sent from the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. This letter was sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Patriarchate in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1921
A chart that includes information taken from a letter sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. The original letter was sent in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1921
A large black and white photo of five male members of the Syrian Lebanese League holding a plaque of thanks for President Wilson in front of White House. The men in the photo are N.A. Arida, M.J. Naimy, A.A. Haddad, S.N. Mallouk, and Raphael Arida.…


Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in profile 1921.

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Date: 1921
A sketch done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in 1921.

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Date: 1921
Receipts paid to the "les amis du progrès" order of Freemasons in Mansourah. The document states that Nasir Fuleihan's payment to the "till" was received for subscription. One of the stubs is from 22 April 1921 for an amount of 30 and the other is…

Date: 1921
Billet de Passe (Ticket of Passing) from the French Mason lodge "Les Amis du progrès," order of Mansourah. Certifies that Nasri L. Fuleihan has the first rank and is an active member of Les Amis du progrès. It is dated April 13, 1921.

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Date: 1921
A letter written in French addressed as a Circular to all of the L Sisters. The letter states: "The respectable L. Les Amis du progrès (Friends of Progress) order of Mansourah work under the auspice of the Great Orient of France, issues Nasri…


Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Margaret C. White, of Ameen Rihani in profile 1921.

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Date: 1921
Handwritten letter from Kahlil Gibran in Arabic.

Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of Ameen Rihani 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of profile of Ameen Rihani 1921. Bottom reads "To my friend Rihani."

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Date: 1921
Printed version of drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of profile of Ameen Rihani 1921.

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Date: 1921
Nasri Fuleihan's Passport.

Date: 1921
A bill written in French. The title translated is roughly, "in the name and under the auspices of the Great Orient Supreme Conseil for France and French possessions," and the document claims that "Les amis du progrès have received 500 piastres carif…

Date: 1921
A masonic identity card in French for Nasri Fuleihan, one side of the document lists information including that it was given by Les Amis du progrès/Friends of Progress, of the Mansourah order, to Nasri. The other side features stamps for "quarterly…

Date: 1921
A certificate/diploma for Nasri Fuleihan certifying his new rank of Maitre or Master within the Freemasons in June 15, 1921. The document also states he was born in Cyprus in 1891 but moved to Mansourah, Egypt. It is signed by various members of the…

Date: 1921
Court papers relating to the divorce of Joseph and Gladys Oussani, dated 1 December 1914, and signed 19 January 1921.

Date: 1921
A photograph of Ameen Rihani, signed by Rihani. Taken in New York in 1921.

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