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  • Date is exactly "1914"

Date: 1914
"تميَّزت [رواية الريحاني] بتشابك الأحداث، وتعقُّدها واتساعها PDF.pdf

Date: 1914
A drawing of a sailboat with color, dated 1914.

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Date: 1914
A sketch of a nude figure

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Date: 1914
A copy of a portrait of Isabelle Dekash seated on a table wearing a long dress with her hair down. Dated 1914.

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Date: 1914
A holy card titled, 'L' Archange Saint Michel' depicting Saint Michael with a prayer to Saint Michael on the back, dated 1914.

Date: 1914
A photograph of Isabelle Dekash sitting on a bike's handlebars while Ellis Zaytoun stands behind her. Both of them are wearing winter clothing while relaxing in front of a wooden house with a white picket fence.

Date: 1914
A baptism certificate from St. Mary's Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, certifying that Elizabeth Yazbek, daughter of Abdella Yazek and Julia Abila, was born on February 15, 1914, and baptized on May 25, 1914.

Date: 1914
A photograph of the front pages of Silver Chimes in Syria
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