Browse Items (10 total)

  • Date is exactly "1913"

Date: 1913
Passport for Rashid Abdelnour, valid for one year. The name on the passport is Rashid Elias Mawad. Includes travel and arrival dates, age, father's name, destination, and a brief physical description. He came from Lebanon and was without other…

Date: 1913
A newspaper article titled "To-Day Reality to One Woman: Gives Her Story."

Date: 1913
A newspaper article advertising a new book from Dr. Hall titled Sexual Knowledge.

Date: 1913
A newspaper article titled "How to Destroy the Dandruff Germ."

Date: 1913
A large newspaper clipping featuring a newspaper article about women's roles in marriage.

Date: 1913
Joseph Oussani's United States Citizenship Papers, dated 6 March 1913.

Date: 1913
A sketch of "oriental nude"

Tags: ;

Date: 1913
A drawing done in pencil by Kahlil Gibran of Ameen Rihani in 1913.

رسالة من محمد الحسين النجفي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 10 (الشهر غير معلوم) 1913. يوضح النجفي اعجابه بالريحاني ويرسل تحياته اليه، ويوجه نقدا لمجريات الحياة في الشرق ويقارنها - على ما يبدو - بالاحوال في الغرب والاخص اميركا - حيث كان الريحاني وقتها اغلب…

Date: 1913
The History of the United States and the History of Syrian Emigration by Basil M. Kherbawi. Though split into two files here for readers' convenience, the two were published as one volume, in Arabic for immigrant readers, in 1913. Kherbawi was the…
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