Browse Items (111 total)

  • Date is exactly "لا تاريخ"

Date: undated
A record of amounts of money withdrawn from the bank.

Date: undated
A piece of paper with a table of numbers.

Date: circa 1964
A letter fragment that includes greetings.

Date: undated
An undefined fragment of a letter.

Date: undated
An undefined fragment of a letter.

Date: undated
Miscellaneous news about medicine, the invention of the telegraph, and a statement issued by the Druze in Lebanon warning against publishing any work about the Druze before obtaining its approval.

Date: undated
An undated fragment of a newspaper article.

Date: undated
An article denying the news that amnesties were issued to political prisoners in Lebanon.

Date: undated
In the first portion there are some literary writings while in the second part there is an invitation from the Islamic Alliance Association in the United States and Canada.

Date: undated
The first article talks about the visit of the Lebanese Minister of Public works to Bourj Hammoud. The second article includes an archaeological discovery that took place in the Nubia region related to the Coptic language.
  • of 3
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