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  • Creator is exactly "Helen Samhan"

Date: 1998 Nov 4
A letter from Helen Samhan of the American Institute Foundation (niece of Mary) to Mary Mokarzel concerning the plan for the Al-Hoda Centennial.

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Date: 1998 Nov
Emails concerning donation of artifacts for the Al-Hoda Centennial exhibition. The Centennial, celebrated in the Museum of the city of NY, marked the 100th year of the publication of Al-Hoda.


A letter from Helen Samhan to family and friends inviting them to the Al-Hoda Centennial. Included is information about the event and its planning.


Date: 1998 Aug
Letters between Helen Samhan, Mary Mokarzel, and Fares Stephen concerning the planning of the Al-Hoda Centennial celebration.


Date: circa 1998
A letter from Helen Samhan concerning the planning of the Al-Hoda Centennial found in an envelope with notes by Mary Mokarzel concerning the Centennial, including a short draft of her autobiography.

Date: 1995 Aug 5
A postcard from Helen Samhan to Mary Mokarzel.

Date: 1998 June
A letter from Helen Samhan to Mary Mokarzel expressing concern for her decline in mental and physical health due to the death of Yemna Mokarzel and other events.

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