Browse Items (74 total)

  • Creator is exactly "ميشال"

Date: 1920 Nov 11
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells them about his arrival in Paris and how the weather is bad. He tells them also about his search for an agency to travel from Paris to Colombia.

Date: 1920 Nov 13
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings. He tells him about the bad commercial situation in Colombia. He also describes Paris and the ceremony for the Armistice.

Date: 1920 Nov 19
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He describes the strong character of his mother and expresses his deep respect for her. He informs Georges that he has sent some hats to his relatives in…

Date: 1920 Nov 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He asks his mother to remember him all the time. He describes his journey from Marseille to Paris.

Date: 1920 Nov 9
Letter from Michel to Georges. The author describes his maritime journey via Malta and Marseille and his arrival in Paris and how the city looks. He also describes his walk in Marseille, and his visit to its palace and gardens.

Date: 1921 Feb 9
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to all the family. He tells him about the dangerous economic situation in Monteria. Regarding the security, he tells him that all is good because the people in Montaria are calm. The…

Date: 1923 Aug 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him about home and their parents. He asks him about his mother's health and his sisters' life conditions. He sends his greetings to their relatives and friends. He tells him also about the…

Date: 1923 Feb 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother, sisters, neighbours, friends and relatives. He promises his brother that he is making an effort to meet together before the winter.

Date: 1923 Jan 23
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings. He expresses his hope to meet his family very soon.

Date: 1923 July 15
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he transferred his work to Cartagena where he has a new partnership. He tells him also about the conditions of this partnership. Finally, he asks God to give him the strength to fulfill his…

Date: 1923 June 9
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He describes his hesitation about staying in Montera or leaving to Baranquilla where the economic situation is better. He also tells his brother that he is building a new partnership in Cartagena with a…

Date: 1923 May 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his kisses. He tells him that the economic situation is bad, but he has a lot of hopes regarding the oil exploitation.

Date: 1923 Nov 19
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He tells him about his meeting with their newly arrived cousins. He also tells him about discovering oil in the city of San Adreas.

Date: 1923 Nov 29
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He also tells him about a journey [location not disclosed].

Date: 1923 Sept 29
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him about his desire to move to Brazil. He describes Brazil as the New Syria where the Syrian community is wealthier and finer than in Colombia. He…

Date: 1924 Apr 8
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He asks Georges not to believe what Rizk al-Rabbath is saying about him. He tells him that he didn't do anything against the law.

Date: 1924 Aug 13
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him if Mrs. Salma Moulouk has arrived in Beirut. He exchanges some ideas about the philosophy of nature and how all people are born as equals. He also expresses his conviction about luck and that the…

Date: 1924 Dec 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him to continue the preparations for the coming of the family to Colombia. He informs him that he has sent him 50 English pounds. He also sends his greetings to his mother and sisters.

Date: 1924 Feb 7
Letter from Michel to his sister Shafika. He sends his greetings.

Date: 1924 Feb 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He asks Georges to trust him. He tells him that the economic situation in Cartagena is bad.

Date: 1924 Feb 7
Letter from Michel to his sister Victoria. He sends his greetings.

Date: 1924 Feb 7
Letter from Michel to his sister Zekié. He thanks her for her letter and wishes her a Merry Christmas. He says how much he is missing his family.

Date: 1924 Jan 1
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He asks him about the state of Syria. He expresses his happiness at receiving the pictures of his family in Zahleh. He tells him about business income…

Date: 1924 Jan 20
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about America and that only 10% of the arriving people are having a successful life, whereas 50% are having a medium life, and others are dying from poverty and misery. People think they will…

Date: 1924 July 29
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He tells him about the arrival of Mrs. Salma Moulouk to the country and that he is sending with her 2 rings and 3 watches and a piece of gold with…

Date: 1924 June 19
Letter from Michel to his sister Shafika. He sends his greetings to the relatives and his kisses to his mother. He expresses how much he is missing his family and wishes to come back very soon.

Date: 1924 June 19
Letter from Michel to his sister Victoria and his brother Georges. He expresses his happiness for receiving letters from them. He asks them if they had left Beirut for the mountains.

Date: 1924 June 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He informs him that he is sending them 30 English pounds. He also tells him how much he respects the conditions and laws related to his…

Date: 1924 Mar 10
Letter from Michel to his brother, mother and sisters. He sends his greetings and kisses to them. He tells them about the bad economic situation. He informs them that he has sent them 100 American dollars.

Date: 1924 May 15
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges, his mother, and his sisters. He sends his greetings. He tells them that he ended his partnership in Cartagena and that he will stay sole owner of his store. He expresses his hesitation about the visit of his…

Date: 1924 Nov 5
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him about trading in Cartagena. He asks him to prepare for their travel from Beirut to Colombia after Easter. He also informs him that he owns 35…

Date: 1924 Oct 30
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that the economic situation will be better after November. He also tells him about a new opportunity for him in Bogota where the life is like the life in Paris. He asks him to come with the…

Date: 1925 Mar 13
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He informs him that his partnership in Bogota is finished and that he has opened a new grocery shop in Cartagena. He also sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters.

Date: 1925 May 8
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He informs him about the arrival to Beirut of Mr. Michel Roumié who has shops in Damascus, Beirut, Colombia and New York. He asks his brother to help Mr. Roumié in his stay in the region of Ras Beirut.…

Date: 1925 Sept 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his approval on Georges's idea to move to Paris and establish a new business there together.

Date: 1926 Jan 1
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He also wishes them a Happy New Year. He informs him about his plan to come back to his homeland at the end of 1926. He also tells him how much 1925…

Date: 1926 Mar 20
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings. He tells him about his good health and the bad state of the economic situation.

Date: 1928 Oct 30
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and tells him that he has sent him $500.

Date: 1928 Oct 30
Letter from Michel to his mother. He sends his greetings and kisses and tells her that he is in good health.

Date: 1929 Apr 20
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about his new business in Manizales.

Date: 1929 Aug 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he is in a good health and that the economic situation is good. He also asks about the news regarding their sister's marriage.

Date: 1929 Feb 24
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and kisses. He tells him about the improvement of the economic situation. He asks him about the latest news regarding their sister's wedding.

Date: 1929 Jan 22
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and tells him that the economic situation was not very good last year and that the profits were significantly low. This is why he is thinking about ending his business in Kierro.

Date: 1929 May 11
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he is in a good health and that the economic situation is good.

Date: 1930 Apr 14
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He confirms his decision about coming back to his homeland next winter.

Date: 1930 Aug 21
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he ended his business in Manizales and moved to Bogota.

Date: 1930 June 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He confirms his decision about coming back to his homeland next winter.

Date: 1930 Mar 2
Letter from Michel to his brother Goerges. He mentions returning to his family and his homeland.

Date: 1930 Mar 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Goerges. He tells him about the very bad economic situation and his decision to return to his family and his homeland during the winter.

Date: 1930 May 11
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings to the family and again confirms his decision about coming back to his homeland next winter.
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