Browse Items (3 total)

  • Creator is exactly "ماري تريز"

Date: 1927 Apr 18
Letter from Marie Térèse to the spouse of her uncle. He expresses how much she is missing them. She asks about the news of her cousins, Michel, Georges, Shafika, Zakiyi and Victoria. She expresses her feelings about living abroad. She says that…

Date: 1927 Sept 4
Letter from Maria Terese to Georges. She sends her kisses and greetings. She tells him that she will come back with her kids to work in Beirut and to live in the beautiful town of Bhamdoun.

Date: 1928 July 18
Letter from Maria Terese to Georges. She sends her kisses and greetings to her relatives. She sends her congratulations to Victoria and Tanios for getting engaged. She also tells him about the bad economic situation.
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